HELEXPO, in collaboration with the The Federation of Industries of Greece (SBE) – a member of the Enterprise Europe Network – is organizing a targeted B2B business meeting program in a specially designed area of the Food and Drinks International Expo by Detrop, through a dedicated platform.

At these meetings, selected visitors (hosted buyers), potential buyers of Greek products and technologies, are invited and participate. Companies from around the world that join the program submit their company profiles to connect with interested Greek businesses.

Who can participate?

  • Hosted Buyers (International Buyers): Importers, distributors, and wholesalers
    of food and drinks (including wines and spirits).
  • Representatives of food chains, hypermarkets/supermarkets, procurement
    agents for hotels and restaurants, specialized food and wine stores, online
    markets, and others.
  • Professional Visitors
  • Exhibitors
  • Members of the Federation of Greek Industries


To register for the program, click HERE.

Trade Visitors & Hosted buyers 2019

300+ Buyers

B2B meetings

85.5% intend to visit Detrop & Oenos 2023

68.9% state they are fully satisfied with the variety of exhibits

77.6% of hosted buyers consider that the meetings with the exhibitors were very good and higher

Detrop Favicon


Do you want to become an exhibitor?

Let’s discuss your participation in

Detrop – Oenos!